
teeth caries中文是什么意思

  • 龋齿



  • 例句与用法
  • Investigation on deciduous teeth caries of the children in the first-class kindergartens in chengdu city
  • Objective : to analyze the data of the permanent teeth caries and treatment needs of six age groups people in beijing with statistical methods which came from the second national oral health survey of china in 1995 . method : the total sample of 12792 ( 8520 urban, 4272 rural ) for 6 age groups ( 5, 12, 15, 18, 35-44, 65-74-year-old ) were examined . the diagnostic criteria recommended by the world health organization were used in this study ( oral health survey basic methods third edition, 1987 ) . result : the dmf and dmft incidence of six age group in the urban was higher than that in the rural on the whole . the dental caries level of 12-year-olds was very low . f percentage of 12-year-olds was 15.42 % ( urban ) and 3.23 % ( rural ) . the current situation of chinese dental care cannot meet the who objectives for the year 2000 . conclusion : it pointed out that we should emphasize oral health education and enhance the consciousness of health care . since the treatments of caries became more complicated with the age, we should perform the primary oral health care in the early stage
  • 推荐英语阅读
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